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Company News

Hi all, I've been away for a few months, due to mental health issues. Those issues are ongoing, but I've been able to do a little work on a short sequence intended for YouTube.

Introducing Zord's Workout. It's a short sequence only a few seconds long. Coming soon.

I created it to see how well I can animate under the current circumstances. Turns out I can animate simple sequences and build characters and assets.

Technology reviews

I have had a small experiment with this XP Pen Display, but my setup isn't compatible with it. So I won't use it until I upgrade my studio.

Series news

I am no longer animating this series.

Movie News

All of the latest news on current productions.



Work continues and I've built another character for this movie.


The Gentle Giant of Minotonia: The Movie

I haven't worked on this for some time now, but work will resume as soon as I'm able to.

Bubble and Squeak

I have put this project on hold until I have upgraded my studio.


The Power of Perseverance

II haven't done anything on this this week.

Hero image for Binge network.png

The Guardian and the Gatekeeper

This has now been rereleased on Youtube.

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The Wolves and the Hunter

The reshoot for this has been completed. The original is now available again on YouTube.

The Legend of Knossos

The Knossos project which, judging by the script is more of a feature than a short, will be worked on after the release of The Gentle Giant of Minotonia: The Movie, whenever that will be.

Sidney the Warrior

Sidney the Warrior

Work on this project has been put on hold.

The Rat Movie

I have written the first draft of the outline, but I am yet to review it.

Rise of the Sasquatch

I have a new project in development here at PunkCocker Animations.

Introducing Rise of the Sasquatch.

The human world is dying as a result of a pandemic. The sasquatches which have remained hidden, begin to emerge from the shadows as the human population dwindles.

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Punkcocker Animations,Advertising Agency,Kingston Upon Hull,East Riding of Yorkshire